Happy 4th Birthday, my dapper boy!

Wow, and just like that here comes another birthday. And trust me sweet child, I don’t think I have anything new to say than I’ve said all these years. Your birth has been the best thing I know ❤️

I think I no longer get to call you my toddler-boy. You are now my preschooler! Woah, that was fast 😔


I can still very clearly remember gazing into your newborn eyes and holding you so close the first time they placed you in my arms. And to think it was FOUR years ago, just seems so unreal. I feel sad because I miss that baby-you so much, but I’m super excited too because you’re at a fun stage now. And as each day goes by, I get to see and know the person you are growing up to be.

How would I describe you at 4?


You are sweet and super social. You are my wild child. You are stubborn. You have a little OCD. You are kind and loving. You have an extraordinary understanding. You are an award-winning whiner!! You are sensitive and kind. You are smart and my lil dapper boy. You have a super loud voice (and we’re constantly working on using your “inner voice” these days). You have great love and energy for life. You are forgiving and compassionate.  You have the biggest heart!

Highlights from the past year:

  • Your pretend play: Your language, expression, script and the way you play every character simply amuses me so much. There have been so many times that I turn the FM in the car off just to hear everything you say. But there are times are turn on the FM too cos I can’t ever get you to stop talking.

pretend play

  • The way you express your feelings and love: You’ve finally learned to express your feelings in words (though we still have to sometimes remind you to “use your big boy words”). I love how you come and tell your dad or me how you didn’t like what we did/ say and how we need to apologize to you. And as soon as we do, you immediately say, “that’s ok Appa/ Mama” with a wide smile. Now there are moments when you come along and say, “I love you so much” and that warms my heart so very much. You come and hug and kiss (without us having to ask you) and those are my favorite parts of the day.
  • Your independence: You’ve always been an independent child and loved doing things yourself. It’s in your personality to be that way, and we have always encouraged that. This year you’ve practically done everything for yourself in terms of dressing up, putting on your shoes, using the loo etc etc. Haha you even went to preschool one day without your underwear (and I found out about that when we got into the shower after returning home 🤣)
  • You’re obsessed with the word “Mama”: Not a minute goes by without the use and abuse of the word “Mama”. Even though I’m standing in front of you and practically spend the whole day with you!! I still remember how, when you were little, I would constantly come close to your face and say Maa-maa, just longing to hear you say it back to me. Its funny how that very same me now begs you to stop calling me!
  • Your helpful nature: You are naturally a good helper. Because even when no one asks you are always ready to help. You help us make coffee, load/unload dishwasher, clean the house, help with laundry and any other thing we do at home. You are a super helper at the grocery store (even when I wish I could just have you sit in the cart while I finish up). You are constantly asking me what we need and putting it in the cart; pushing the cart through the store; carrying the bags; putting the bags in the trunk and bringing them home. There are times you get over enthusiastic about helping which have led to me even shouting at you because I’m worried about you, though I know it’s the thought that matters and I should only thank God for your kind heart.

What else?

  • From hating birthdays, you practically love it now. You were so excited and counting days to your birthday this year. For the first time you asked to choose a birthday cake as well as ordered your own cake. Anyone who knows you, knows how very much you hated birthdays. From a crying and screaming child at birthday parties, you’re now asking everyone to sing for you and telling every person you meet “My birthday is Oct 25 and Mama ordered a cake!” That’s going to be my favorite memory of this year ♥️
  • I have to remind you several times (at the end of almost everyday) to put the toilet seat up and wipe it once you’re done using it #BigBoyProblems
  • You now have your group of friends as well as a best friend 😌
  • You are (finally!) happy to go to preschool and your teachers love you so much. Your teacher told me that you have such a respectful and complimentary nature that she wants to sometimes take you home because you make her feel so good. She thinks you will make a super sweet husband and father (her words in Gods ears!)
  • You fall asleep on your own in your own bed (though you roll into our bed almost every night).
  • You’re a lot into the word “poopy”, find burping super amusing (and all those other boy things).
  • You’re addicted to Paw Patrol. Though you still cling onto your trains as well.
  • Farms are still our favorite Fall hangout spot.
  • You are an outdoor child.
  • You play games on my phone (something I was hoping you wouldn’t do until you were a teenager).
  • You love playing board games.
  • If there’s one thing I completely dislike about the stage you are at, it’s your ‘4 going on 14’ attitude and backtalk. Oh my goodness you just drive me insane with that and I’m really hoping you get rid of that crazy side of you. It’s like you are a sweetheart 70% of the time and then transform into this adamant child the rest of the time, and I wonder who you are! I really really hope it’s just a “turning 4” phase and you completely come out of that soon 🙏🏻
  • You’re into clicking pictures. And if ever you get hold of my phone, and its locked, I can immediately hear you say, “Say cheeeeeeeese”


You’ve driven me up the wall many more times than I can count this past year. We’ve had several disciplining moments. As a family, we’ve had to work on our tones, language and attitudes. I laugh when I remember how you correct me when I’m wrong with your cliche one liners, “What did you say?”, “Watch your tone!”, “Thats a bad job”, “Use your inner voice” and the one that cracks us up: “Are you sure?” – “I don’t think so!” (Combo) 🤣

This summer was a blessing in disguise. You and I spent a lot of time together and we did so much every single day. We’ve soaked up every ounce of the sun, and turned 10 shades darker. It was great in many ways and I thank the Lord for the undivided time He let me have with you. I was your mom 24/7 and that was special. We’re back at soccer and we’ve joined a kids Bible learning class as well.


There’s not a day that goes by when I don’t thank the Lord for the precious loan He gave us, in the form of you. It truly is a priviledge to be known as your mum– beyond any other honor this world can give me.

This definitely is a big-boy birthday, and you are going to understand, realize, accept and learn so many more things that you’ve ever had to so far. I am not sure if I am more excited or worried for you. But no matter what, you know we’re there beside you, every step of the way.

I hope and pray that we will be instrumental in helping you see the plan and the purpose the Lord has placed in your life. I pray that your heart always seeks the Lord from this tender age onwards. I pray that at the first sign of fear, you will kneel down and seek God. I pray that all the Bible verses and prayers you learn and say now, will be engraved in the depths of your heart and you remember them when you are older. I pray the coming year be covered and sealed by the love, grace and protection from Above.

lil boy

Though I yell and scream, I love you so very much my baby. And I just couldn’t imagine my life without you. Thank you for being my dapper boy, and hanging out with me all day/ everyday!

I’ll forever be grateful for these precious years of joy and madness. And with a heart filled with thankfulness to you for forgiving all my mistakes and waking up with a smile every single day ♥️

Happy birthday my sweet child. I hope the year ahead is an answer to all your four-year old dreams and wishes. Let’s celebrate this day to the fullest. And once today is done, we will find new adventures, chase new dreams, and I’ll keep watching you do amazing things!

All my love,

PS: Can we slow down and not keep growing up so soon… please!!

Oh oh oh and can you please start looking a little like me? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Please?

2 thoughts on “Happy 4th Birthday, my dapper boy!

  1. Ah…..thats a lot! Nothing more to say…..”i dont think so” rings in my ears…..grow up into a smart young guy who carries all these qualities….theres a divine destiny designed for you…..all the very best n God be with you…..
    Lovely note, as always……..

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