Happy 6th Birthday Aydoo 🎂

Today I am a mom of a 6 year old. Boy oh boy, I can’t believe how soon time flew by. When I look at you, I don’t always see the big boy you are now. There are so many times that little baby and toddler stages flash in front of my eyes. And I keep wishing I could keep you tiny ❤️

This year has been a big year for you! So many new experiences, and learnings came your way. I’m grateful that since day one, you easily adjust to any situation. Change does not truly bother you. And this year that quality has been helpful because of the big change for us all in this pandemic and adjusting constantly to new normals. I’ve complained like a 100 times in quarantine but you still seem to be so happy!

This year you are a Kindergartener! Though it’s like nothing we imagined (thanks to Covid-19), I am so glad that you enjoy your online classes and love interacting with your teachers and friends. Though we have those occasional “Mama I need help” screams, you’ve learned to navigate the laptop and google classroom. I’m very proud of you for managing online school by yourself 👏

This year you learned to ride a cycle! With you, trying any new thing is first a firm NO. And this was no different, so I had to push you to first get started. Then on, it was all you. Now you pace through the streets and roads and I wonder, “maybe I should’ve waited another year”, lol! Though it involved few heart attacks, lost breaths, panics, putting ointment and bandaids, and plenty of gray hair in the process, it’s going to be my favorite memory for this year ❤️ You have figured out shortcuts in the neighborhood that even we don’t know. And I love when you share details of your secret spots and hideouts and I need to behave like I don’t know where any of that is (when I know exactly where all you’ve been via your tracker 😂)

This year I feel you truly grew up. You have learned to understand so many feelings, emotions and expressions you never even noticed earlier. I’ve seen you struggle through figuring your emotions, trying to hold back tears, and figure out how to respond to different people, while also slowly but steadily learning to ignore certain behaviors from people. My heart has broken a few times in the process too watching you figure things out and deal with it. I know these experiences will only make you stronger and better as you go along.

Life is not easy little one, but I’ll be there beside you. Even though I glare, stare, or correct you a lot, always know that I’m in your corner. I hope you always know that no matter what choices you make, no matter how badly you think you’ve messed up, that I will love you. Always! Your value in my heart, my life and my soul is set. It’s at its peak, and there’s nothing you can do or not do to change that. Ever!

While I’m constantly trying to teach you things, the reality is I’m learning a lot over the years from you too. One of the biggest things you model constantly is easily forgiving and forgetting. Forgiving is not hard for me, but I struggle with forgetting, and I wish one day soon I too will be able to do it as easily as you do. Another one I’ve learned from you is to laugh through life. I don’t know how you do it, but even if something makes you really angry or sad.. once that moment has passed, you are immediately laughing and moving on with the next thing. Thank you Aydoo for teaching me some of the most important things in life.

This year your obsession with Paw Patrol still continues but it’s reduced a lot! And cars are kinda making it’s way to the top of the list now. We thought you’d be into Star Wars & super heroes but doesn’t look like you care as yet. Nothing makes me happier cos I just don’t understand any of that and not sure what the hype is about. Appa will strongly disagree with me as he is waiting to take you along for anything Marvel “first day, first show.” Maybe when it’s time, you can teach me 😁

This year you were obsessed with badminton, basketball and playing more board games and uno! Our family time involves those things on repeat mode. You love the outdoor and I truly hope it stays that way for a long long time.

Few things I want you to remember for this year-

1. Losing is growing- You are still learning to lose with grace. It’s not easy at all for you but you’ve come a long way from when we started. With time you’ll learn that everything in life is not about coming first. Any experience in life is to have fun and enjoy, and every mistake or failure is a chance to learn, improve and do better.

2. Nurture kindness and be humble- I won’t say A’s don’t matter or winning a game doesn’t count. But what truly matters is to aim at being the best version of yourself. Whether you are saving ants, sharing toys with a friend, apologizing when you are wrong, smiling and greeting everyone you see, holding a door open— it all matters. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If you have a chance to choose, always choose to be kind.

3. Work hard & have faith in God- Do your best at what you want and don’t give up too soon. You have learned this from me and I wish I could take it back. Follow your heart, treasure your family, share and care for your friends. Always work hard to be the best at what you want to be. That should be enough. Have faith in Jesus and lean on Him for if there’s one person in this world who loves you more than me, it’s Him! Continue to say your prayers and continue to rely on him for the smallest things and you’ll taste and see His goodness from this young age onwards.

Six seems so very big at times, but I know you are still my little boy. As grown up as you seem, I am so thankful that you still like to cuddle with me. And you still want to sleep in my bed. Bedtime stories are constantly interrupted by “but Mama why.. what.. how.. when..” and I need to constantly remind you that bedtime stories are to listen and imagine in your head only (while also reminding myself that it’s only coz of your inquisitive mind.) I love how you still love to hug and kiss and cuddle, a whole lot more this year 🥰

Six years went by soon. I guess that happens with most moments in this life – especially the good ones- You’re my absolute greatest ones.

Happy Birthday my sweet boy. You are, quite simply, the best thing that has ever happened to us.

All my love, Mama

PS: Usually I write your birthday post at least a few weeks in advance. But this time I’m writing this a day after your birthday. Sorry Bud, but again, thanks Covid 🤨

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