Belated Mother’s Day Wishes!

It can be hard. It can be exhausting.

BUT they bring so much love, joy and smiles, that we would not have known otherwise.

They teach us patience.  They make us realize we are stronger than we can ever imagine.

They constantly challenge us to be better people.

And no matter what, we wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world.

Happy Mother’s Day, to all of us, who live the same life in our different styles!

I am not someone who thinks Mother’s Day is hyped.

I feel it’s good to have a day in the year to celebrate your mother and remember everything she did for you.  And if you happen to live in the same location, then most definitely, take her on a date.  If you live across the miles, send her a card, a gift or give her a call.  To her, it’s not a big deal whether you do it or not.  Because she loves you the very same, irrespective.  But she totally deserves it.

I missed hanging out with my mum on Mothers Day.  I dreamed of us doing a pedi together while laughing and chit chatting about life (we have never done this till date).

I think being a mum to your child happens naturally.  It’s a job after your heart (minus the very many times you feel you need a break, lol!).  No one tells you what you need to do and you don’t expect anyone to chalk out a to-do list for you, and neither do you need reminders.  Right?

It’s naturally blended in our biological system.  No clue how or when that happened!  But we know our kids every need, want and even their irrational demands!  My mum knew mine, and still continues to know even though she’s across the miles.  And I am the very same when it comes to Jr.

Oh the things we do for love!

What I did on May 8th?
I woke up to flowers and the cutest lil cake.  Bought by the dear Mr. on behalf of the precious Jr.  It was sweet, and thoughtful.  And made me feel special.  We clicked some pictures and took some videos that we will save for now, to watch sometime much later on #PreciousMemoriesCreated

Side note: I saw pics that mums posted of precious crafty stuff gifted to them by their kids.  My heart kept melting seeing those cutesy keepsakes.  I can’t wait for the day when I will get gifts made by his two tiny-dimpled hands.

The Mr. also took the Jr. out for 2 hours giving the Mrs. the much needed me-time!

What I did during those two hours?
I was happily preparing Jr.’s meals for the week.  No one was yanking at my feet, or screaming with their hands in the air to be carried, or opening drawers and pulling things out, or emptying the unwashed set of vessels in the dishwasher.  I made two dishes for him, separated it into batches and froze it.  I also got the time to peacefully clean up the kitchen and dining spaces.  Oh I also got time to watch two episodes of Army Wives on Netflix laying on the couch.  Yay me!

Love being Mumma to my squishy squashy baby!  That’s a pic of him from several months ago.  Now I can barely get him to stay still for a picture  #TBT to his baby days.

I hope all you Mumma’s had a lovely Mother’s Day too!

Thank you for following my blog.  I am sure most of you are mums.  Who else would follow a blog that’s primarily focused on the life of a lil boy 🙂  #StoriesAboutMyMostPreciousOne

#MumLife #MothersDay #Blessed #AydensMumma #Proud #Son